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For all mums wanting to heal and strengthen their bodies. Not just for new mums!

There are certain things that we often accept as part of motherhood, such as abdominal separation, incontinence and a weakened core. These are fixable and need not (and should not) be accepted. Pilates can help - at any point after we have had our baby, not just in the year afterwards. 

Whether you have had your baby 9 months or 9 years ago (or more!), there is no bad time to continue your post-natal healing journey.


Pregnancy, labour and being a mamma has a significant impact on your body, especially your core. So how can Pilates help? Here are some of the benefits:

  • Strengthens your deeper core muscles

  • Brings awareness to your pelvic floor, looking at strength and release work

  • Heals and restores your body's previous strength and builds on this

  •  Encourages more positive and compassionate feelings towards your body

  • Gives you the space and ability to relax​


These hour long workshops are designed to be more informative and personalised than a traditional class

With information about your pregnancy and any post natal concerns obtained prior to the workshop, the moves are adapted to your individual needs.

During the workshop we will go through movements safe to post natal bodies and steadily paced, giving you time to understand movements and ask questions.

Most of the movements will be given to you also as a video afterwards, so that you may practice at home. 


Kept relaxed and with small numbers - no two workshops are alike.

They are generally run monthly on a Thurs evening at 6pm.

Based at Laurel's in Whitley Bay.


For details on when the next workshop will take place & how to book, please click below.

Watch this short video which touches on some of the movements that can help restore your core strength

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